Produits de l’émission: 20
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
42nd American President – W.J. Clinton, Pope John Paul II, Yeltsin s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
42nd american president w j clinton pope john paul ii yeltsin s s 40 000 db st7120b 385 2963 bl 588 1695
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
41st American President – G.H.W. Bush, Kuwait war, military ships s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
41st american president g h w bush kuwait war military ships s s 40 000 db st7119b 384 2962 bl 587 1694
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
36th American President – L. Johnson, space, train, fire engine, Red Cross s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
36th american president l johnson space train fire engine red cross s s 40 000 db st7117b 382 2960 bl 585 1692
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
3rd American President – T. Jefferson, sail ship, indigenous people s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
3rd american president t jefferson sail ship indigenous people s s 40 000 db st7112b 377 2955 bl 580 1687
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
1st American President – G. Washington, indigenous American habitants s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
1st american president g washington indigenous american habitants s s 40 000 db st7111b 376 2954 bl 579 1686
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
Tibute to Steve Irwin (fish, snake, crocodile, whale) 4 v – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Fauna – All others / Fauna – Fish Description:
tibute to steve irwin fish snake crocodile whale 4 v 40 000 db st7103a 2234 2237 2988 2991 1677
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
16th American President – A. Lincoln, civil war, abolition of slavery s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
16th american president a lincoln civil war abolition of slavery s s 40 000 db st7113b 378 2956 bl 581 1688
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
32nd American President – F. Roosevelt, Pearl Harbour, military aircraft s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
32nd american president f roosevelt pearl harbour military aircraft s s 40 000 db st7114b 379 2957 bl 582 1689
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
34th American President – D. Eisenhower, Disney, impressionism paintings s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others Description:
34th american president d eisenhower disney impressionism paintings s s 40 000 db st7115b 380 2958 bl 583 1690
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
35th American President – J. F. Kennedy, Monroe, Beatles, Space – Armstrong s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents Description:
35th american president j f kennedy monroe beatles space armstrong s s 40 000 db st7116b 381 2959 bl 584 1691
SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 2007
40th American President – R. Reagan, peace-pigeon, Gorbachev s/s – 40 000 Db
Celebrities – USA Presidents / Celebrities – USA Presidents / Russia Description:
40th american president r reagan peace pigeon gorbachev s s 40 000 db st7118b 383 2961 bl 586 1693